Meanwhile a BBC correspondent at the strategically important Mosul Dam says Kurdish and Iraqi forces have retaken it from Islamic State (IS) militants.
IS forces have captured large parts of northern Iraq in recent weeks.
"UNHCR is this week launching one of its largest aid pushes," the agency's spokesman Adrian Edwards told reporters.
Aid will first be sent by air from Jordan, beginning on Wednesday. More goods will be
"This is a major humanitarian crisis and disaster, and it continues to affect very large numbers of people," Mr Edwards said.
An estimated 1.2 million Iraqis have been displaced so far in 2014, according to the UN agency - more than 500,000 from fighting in the Anbar region, and another 600,000 displaced from conflicts around Mosul and more recently Sinjar.
"Conditions remain desperate for those without access to suitable shelter - people struggling to find food and water to feed their families, and those without access to primary medical care," the organisation said in a statement.
Dam recaptured Meanwhile Western powers are stepping up efforts to stem the advance of IS by supporting Kurdish and Iraqi government forces in northern Iraq.
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